Sign up for a Scheduled Class or Book a Private Event

Jersey Shore Paint Party 

Welcome to Jersey Shore Paint Party!

Events may change change without notice due to circumstances beyond our control.  An artist may be replaced or an event rescheduled. All event supplies such as paints, brushes, canvases, shells, resin or any other materials needed for the completion of the artwork will be provided.

We make every effort to start each event on time and help each individual to complete their project. The example shown is used as a guide to follow and each person will be going home with their unique interpretation of the artwork.  The finished work will have its own style and beauty that may be quite different than the original.  Students are not required to copy exactly as shown and may diverge from the instructors lead.  

Our events are intended to be a fun night out not an academic course.

All purchases are non-refundable but you may request a credit to attend at another time.
There are no refunds for scheduled or private events for any reason.

**All credits or other options must be claimed by email within 24 hours of the missed

If you cannot make an event we will issue a credit if notified within 24 hours.
Email us at: [email protected] to claim a credit.
Be sure to include your name, the event date and if there is more than one
person that missed the event include thier information also.

If you have to miss your event and receive a credit we will make every effort to place you into the event you choose but it depends on the availability.

We  do not endorse or review the services or products available from the venues that host us
Each venue may offer its own menu or specials which are completely the choice of each establishment.

We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave that may be abusive or belligerent with any Paint Party Staff, other participants, venue employees or their customers.

Art materials can ruin clothes and personal property.  We are not liable for damage
to personal property.
We reserve the right to display and promote images of our paint party participants in social media interfaces such as facebook, instagram, our website and other blogs or networks.  
**If you do not want to be photographed for social media or our website tell the instructor as soon as you arrive.

We will sometimes post children photographed from the side or behind without faces to the camera.
If you give permission we will post a birthday or event photo on our Facebook page or website
Ticket purchases are billed at the time of purchase.  

Privacy Policy:
We do not share our email list with any other company or promoter but we will promote our events
that may be held at our host venues which may include offers from that venue.

Email list - To be added or removed from our email list scroll to the bottom of the page, enter your email address and choose either "subscribe" or "unsubscribe"

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