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Kid's Birthday Parties


Canvas Painting Party - $280

Children will paint a 16 x 20 painting
Suggested for Age 5 and up
$280 is the minimum charge and includes up to 10 children
Party is 90 Minutes
Additional Children are $28 Each
Maximum 25
Choose a painting from our gallery or request a custom design

Browse Paintings

Wood Signs $350

Children stain and stencil a 12" Square wood sign
Suggested age 8 and up
$350 is the minimum charge and includes up to 10 children
Party is 2 Hours
Additional Children are $35 Each
Maximum 25

Browse Signs

What to Expect
When the children arrive, they will be kept busy drawing with markers/crayons to keep them busy until start time. If you choose to bring snacks or have pizza delivered we will start with the food first, so if a child is late we do not have to wait to begin the painting/ activity. 

*When ordering pizza or other food  it should be delivered for the start time.
After food we begin our activity. We leave time at the end of the party for cake and the birthday song.

To Reserve a Date
Contact us with your request by email mailto:[email protected] 

Once we confirm your date is available we require a $150 non-refundable deposit to reserve your date. The deposit amount is deducted from the total due on the day of the event.
Click the Deposit link below to make your payment.

2 Days before your Party
Contact us to confirm and choose your painting/signs.

On the day of your party

The studio will be open 1/2 hour before your start time. You will have (2) 6ft tables to decorate if you choose.
*There will be times when the party may exceed expected time frame due to painting or project choice. In that case there will be no additional fee.
You are responsible for supplying all paper products.

*Note: We are next to "MIKE'S PIZZA" in the Baywood Plaza
321 Drum Point Road, Brick NJ 08723